Building a Predictive Model for the Detection of Possible Outer Planets in Known 2-body Resonant Systems

Kyle McGregor
Kyle McGregor

Canton, NY
Astronomy, Physics, Italian Studies
Class of 2024

Abstract: This project has found evidence of trends in known 3-planet systems with inner planets in a Mean Motion Resonance in an effort to construct a predictive model with the ability to propose periods of possible outer planets in currently known 2-planet MMR systems. Using light curve data collected from the Kepler/K2 mission, periodograms and transit curves can be constructed and analyzed to develop such a model as to provide ranges for outer extant planets’ periods, with the known 3-planet systems as the training dataset and the 2-planet systems having the prediction applied to them. The distribution of period ratios in known 3-planet systems are examined considering each different integer resonance to evidence more specifically for each system of interest. This model creates a framework for further mass-based analyses of orbital trends, as well as laying the foundation for future prospective n-body dynamical simulations in systems with known classified period relationships and MMRs. This will serve as a mode to find new exoplanets in currently known and classified transiting systems and give justification to possible new planets discovered given that they build on noted observed trends of inner planet resonances. This model should be applied to all Kepler/K2 and TESS 2-planet systems in an MMR to use these trends and find new exoplanets in such known systems.



Kyle McGregor (Astronomy)

Live Poster Session:
Thursday, July 29th 1:15-2:30pm EDT